Lately I have been reading lots of blogs written by people of all shapes and sizes and ages who are on a journey. A journey to lose weight, get fit, healthy and make the inside match the outside. I am too on a journey .... have I reached my
destination? Umm..NO...will I ever reach my destination? Ummm...NO!! As cheesy as it sounds, life is a journey, one where you are constantly searching for the next job,
diet healthy lifestyle , goal, experience. So I hope I never reach the end! :) We need the journey to continuing living in the moment! Now having said that... I need to make sure that my journey is worthwhile and has meaning. I need to establish
goals and figure out ways to accomplish my goals. By writing this blog, I am making myself accountable to myself, if no one else. It is only a dream until it is written down, then it becomes a goal :) or so they say! The following are my goals {so far} for 2012:
{1} Run a 5K (again and with a
better improved time)
{2} Run a 10K
{3} Bruce Trail End to End
{4} Remove excess baggage (weight, negative thoughts etc..)
{5} Be back in the classroom (slowly working on this one)
You go girl! Those are great goals and I'll be cheering you on from here :)